9013 Key Peninsula Hwy NW, Lakebay, WA 98349

Our Services

Conditions Treated With Chiropractic








Not everyone is aware that chiropractors can help with more than just the neck and back. Dr Nate has attended multiple seminars to adjust; wrists, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles, knees, and hips. 


Palmer Diversified TechniqueThis technique is the most used of all chiropractic techniques and is the one probably most familiar to patients. The Diversified adjustment entails a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation of a joint (quick, shallow thrusts that cause the popping noise often associated with a chiropractic adjustment).

ActivatorThe Handheld Adjusting Tool, also know as an Activator, is a spring loaded device that when used applies a very quick, specific force to a joint to help restore movement, and it has been shown to be effective in helping spinal pain and Trigger Point (Muscle) Pain.

ArthroStimArthroStim Instrument helps chiropractors apply treatment force more comfortably and effectively. This design allows for precise and controlled adjustments, enhancing the overall quality of care provided to patients.

Thomson Drop TechniqueThis is a specific chiropractic method and is a variation of the Diversified technique that uses a special table with several segments called “drop pieces”. These segments can be cocked up a fraction of an inch, so when the thrust is delivered, the table will drop below the patient. The object of the drop is to distract (open) the joint during the adjustment. The drop pieces assists the thrust, while minimizing the force required for the adjustment. Cavitation of the joint may or may not occur.

Cox Flexion Distraction TechniqueThe Cox Flexion Distraction Technique (also referred to as the Cox® Technic) was developed by Dr. James M. Cox as a gentle, non-force adjustment procedure to help the spine heal naturally. It is based on principles of both chiropractic and osteopathy, a combination that often provides fast relief from low back and leg pain, without the need for surgery.  It is one of the most effective and well-researched techniques used by chiropractors.

The goal of Flexion Distraction is to decompress the spine by applying gentle stretching or traction to the lower spine. The Cox Flexion Distraction technique is performed on a special table (designed by Dr. Cox), which has moving parts to effectively separate the different parts of the spine. The combination of this special adjustment table and very gentle pressure utilizes flexion-distraction and decompression to increase the disc height between vertebrae, decompressing the spinal column and restoring the spinal joints to their proper alignment and range of motion. The chiropractor can adjust the different sections of the table to neutralize the effects of gravity and then apply gentle pressure to the affected areas as they move through a more normal range of motion. Movements are repetitive and usually slow, without any quick thrusts or undue pressure.

The technique has been found to:

  • reduce pressure within the disc
  • widen the spinal canal
  • improve range of motion in spinal joints and in arms, legs, and shoulders
  • improve posture
  • reduce pressure on spinal nerves
  • increase circulation
  • improve nerve communication


Graston Technique – The Graston technique induces inflammation to boost blood flow and promote healing in affected soft tissues. Using a cross-friction massage, which involves brushing or rubbing against the grain of the scar tissue, the practitioner re-introduces small amounts of trauma to the affected area.

Webster Technique – This technique reduces soft tissue tension that may cause uterine torsion. Webster technique also helps to align the pelvis and relieve SI joint pain, providing relief for common lower back and sciatic pain that pregnant women often experience. This method has been proven to create an ideal environment for the baby to grow and move.

Sports Taping – RockTape is the world’s best kinesiology tape. It can be used to treat sports and non-sports injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee and back pain. RockTape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below, creating a decompressive effect.

Frequently Asked Questions

During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby.
The following changes can result in a misaligned spine or joints:

  • Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
  • Pelvic changes
  • Postural adaptations

Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned, it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint.

A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery.

This can affect the mother’s ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as c-sections.

The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively.

Manual chiropractic treatments are often the best option for car accident victims as they can target both the pain and the underlying cause. Manual treatments such as adjustments, trigger point therapy, and soft tissue manipulation can help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and promote healing.

The nervous system of a child is in control of regulating every other system in the body. It regulates blood flow along with bone growth, brain function and overall plays a key role in making sure the growing body is healthy and running efficiently. Stress and the alignment of the spine also plays a crucial role in the health of a child as it can affect development. 

It can be hard to grasp the benefits of a child under chiropractic care. Generally, children are not complaining about recurring pain and a child’s body allows faster healing from injuries. In truth, each child is put through a lot of stress while they are developing and an important aspect to healthy development is maintenance.

During the birthing process, it is common for stress and trauma to occur in the spine. During both a natural birth and a Cesarean birth it is easy for a child’s spine to become improperly aligned due to the amount of pressure involved during birth. If this happens, a baby’s only means of communication is crying, therefore the misaligned spine and pain associated with it goes unnoticed. Childhood also comes with awkward sleeping positions and sometimes a small tumble. The toddler stage is filled with twists and falls as they learn how to walk. At this stage children are very resilient and are capable of taking falls but it is also a possibility that some of the injuries can cause a certain movement pattern resulting in bones becoming misaligned as time goes by.

Some kids also demonstrate bad posture while they are watching TV or sitting at a desk which leads to unnecessary pressure on the spine. Sports and even how a child wears a heavy backpack have effects on the spine. Additionally, physical labor comes into play as the children turn into teenagers. This added stress can also lead to a negative spinal impact.

As shown, a child is faced with many different situations that can potentially misalign their spine. A spine that is out of alignment is a serious issue as an aligned spine allows for a healthy nervous system and ensures pain-free development.